[geeks] education systems around the world

Micah R Ledbetter vlack-lists at vlack.com
Fri Oct 24 17:37:26 CDT 2008

On Oct 24, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Alex Feinberg wrote:

> Isn't it true that free and compulsory education is pretty much the
> rule, rather than exception -- at least by law -- around the world?
>    At the primary level it's a part of the UN Declaration of Human
> Rights.

What you're saying is, "I" have a right that I must be forced to be  
educated against my wishes? I don't recall requesting that right, so  
someone must have done it "for" me. You know, if we have to give up  
any rights in the "WAR ON {TERROR,DRUGS}", I will happily volunteer  
that one and any like it.

... Wow, you know what? You were right, I *do* feel safer after giving  
up that one.


  - Micah

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