[geeks] Spare PCI Video Card

Brooke Gravitt gravitt at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 13:27:14 CDT 2008

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Phil Stracchino <alaric at metrocast.net> wrote:

> Does this mean it needs Apple-compatible firmware?  Does it need to be
> one of a list of compatible chipsets?
> I have a large number of spare relic video cards, many of them PCI,
> including Diamond Stealth64 cards, at least one Matrox Mystique, a
> couple of MachII/Mach64 cards (I think), and a bunch of STB cards.
> You're welcome to any of them that will work for you.

Good question. I've stuck PC-only video cards into Macs previously and
had some of them work, but not all. Does anyone know of a list of
cards that are *known* to work in Macs?

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