Jon Gilbert jjj at io.com
Thu Oct 2 07:36:44 CDT 2008

On Oct 2, 2008, at 12:39 AM, nate at portents.com wrote:

> Oh my... and you didn't use sysprep first or do an in-place  
> upgrade?  Then
> you are just asking for trouble.

Uh, problem is, all I have to start off with is (a) a Ghost image of  
the install and (b) the new motherboard. I don't have the old  
motherboard, there never was one. I just have a ghost image (meant for  
a particular mobo that I don't have) and then I have the mobo I do  
have, and an installer that puts that Ghost image onto a hard drive  
and I can boot up and it works. Kind of.

So maybe I can start sysprep from the machine since it boots up, and  
then see where I can go from there. Heck it's worth a shot. The other  
thing if that fails that we're gonna do is just see if we can't find  
some of the motherboards it's intended for on eBay.

Jon Gilbert
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