[geeks] [rescue] Airport Security and Rescues...

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 15:42:02 CDT 2008

Mike Meredith wrote:
> If you want to see some real unhappiness with being separated from your
> luggage, hang around some photography forums. They *really* don't like
> being separated from B#10,000-B#100,000 of equipment :)

My father is a photography buff.  Some of his best friends from his 
college days (when he was studying photography) have become professional 
photographers.  Some of them spend the extra money to hire an assistant. 
  Yes, some of them do need assistants on their shoot, but there are a 
surprising number of times when they are taking along an extra person to 
increase their carry-on baggage capacity.

Peace...  Sridhar

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