[geeks] [rescue] Airport Security and Rescues...

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Fri Mar 28 11:59:38 CDT 2008

Sandwich Maker wrote:

> " Gotta love that stuff, yeah.  "Thou shalt not kill.  (Unless you claim 
> " to be doing it in my name.  'Cos that makes it all OK, right?)"
> or the parallel belief in at least a few moslem sects.  'thou shalt not
> lie to, cheat, or steal from believers -- but infidels are fair game'

That concept is called "al-taqiyah" or "al-taqiyya" and is explicitly 
sanctioned in the Koran.  Multiple times.

The breaking of treaties when it was to Muslim advantage, which Mohammed 
also engaged in, is a separate matter but somewhat related.


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