[geeks] IBM pseries 690 RAM Question

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 18:54:19 CST 2008

Sandwich Maker wrote:
> " From: "Aaron Finley" <aaronfinley at gmail.com>
> " 
> " Rather random question:
> " 
> " Does anyone know if the 690 memory boards contain DIMMs which are
> " removable or chips that are directly soldered to the card?
> iirc they had 16M -simms-, 39 [? pre-72] pin variety.
> also iirc the board held 1G max and only 1 board/system, totalling
> 1.5G with the cpu board loaded.

On a p690?  That machine is orders of magnitude bigger than you're 
describing.  I do believe you're describing something *far* older.

Peace...  Sridhar

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