[geeks] Gizmodo has a classic email from Bill G. you might like...

Rick Hamell hamellr at gmail.com
Thu Jun 26 14:59:25 CDT 2008

> Over at Gizmodo.com they have the text of a Bill G. email ripping Jim Allchin "a new one" over his experience attempting to download and install two MS products ("Moviemaker" and "Digital Plus Pack")...
> Interesting to see how Mr. G vents...
> Link: http://gizmodo.com/5019516/classic-clips-bill-gates-chews-out-microsoft-over-xp
> Lionel

The worst part of that email was how grammatically terrible it was. I 
expected the "it doesn't work" part. But I had a hard time following 
what he was trying to do to get to that point.

Rick Hamell
Tech Blog - http://www.1nova.com/blog
Pacific Northwest Photo Blog - http://www.1nova.com/photoblog

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