[geeks] New small Intel Board

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Thu Jun 5 17:50:29 CDT 2008

On Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 06:38:52PM -0400, nate at portents.com wrote:
> > http://www.intel.com/products/motherboard/D945GCLF/index.htm
> I have this board arriving shortly, decided to go this route instead of
> using the Shuttle KPC (which has the same chipset but takes an LGA775 Core
> 2 CPU) for pfSense because of the passive CPU cooling and lower power
> utilization long-term.  (Hopefully pfSense runs ok on it.)

I rather like the look of the KPC, and I would certainly rather have a
C2D processor to an Atom.  However, pre-assembled KPCs are more than I
want to pay, and I don't really want to install my own CPU, although it
is probably easier now than it was in the P4 monster days.  

Anyway, I just don't know that I need all that much extra power, at this
time, and things will just get faster and cheaper in the mean time.  The
day I really need a C2D on a desktop is quite likely to be the day I
also really need a PCI-E slot instead of 945 graphics.  

In the short term, such a board would just be used to fiddle with things
like Mono, linux drivers, FPGA stuf, and linux audio gunk.  The linux
audio gunk seems to find a 1Ghz P3 to be fast enough for how hard I use

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