[geeks] Upper Memory Limit - Java

Brian Dunbar brian.dunbar at liftport.com
Tue Jan 29 15:56:46 CST 2008


We have an EDI program (it's new) that blows up when 'many large files'*
are run through it.

But I'm not here to complain about that.  During troubleshooting the
vendor rep mentioned that Java has an upper memory limit and you can't
allocate any more memory to it than X.

Indeed we're giving the JVM 3850m of ram on startup

/vendor-dir/bin/java -Xms3850m -Xmx3850m

And it won't start with any more than that.

But .. an upper memory limit on Java?  I can believe there is a point past
where it's simply not wise to allocate ram but .. is she mis-informed?


*I'm not sure, exactly, what's IN the files but they're hundreds of mb in
size.  I own the systme that doesn't work, not the application.

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