[geeks] Business Decision Help, Please

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Fri Jan 18 00:23:03 CST 2008

So I have a question.  I use my own (5-year old) powerbook for work,  
and always have.  Last night I met its limits while trying to stream  
video and insert a full-duplex voip call into that stream.  The cpu  
was pegged and the framerate dropped to something sad.  So my boss  
(who was on the other end of said stream, and the guy on the phone  
there) said "maybe you need a new mac."  Now, there's a seriously huge  
difference between what would do the job and what I'd buy for myself  
if I were the one shopping.  Like a $1500 difference.  But I'm the one  
who's going to be using the thing for the *next* 5 years...

Is it reasonable to ask for the one I really want as opposed to the  
one that'll "do the job"?





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