[geeks] Playstation 3 + HD-DVD

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Wed Feb 13 11:44:59 CST 2008

Francois Dion wrote:
> I'm late in the thread, but there's another HDDVD "budget" option:
> I just saw that the Toshiba HD-A35 is approaching $200 (with 7
> movies)... Having witnessed the HD-dvd playback of the xbox360 and
> a35, the a35 is just in a league of its own. Plus discrete 5.1 analog
> out. Much etter image than A3, and even A30, and does a better job of
> upconverting DVDs than my htpc will ever do, without investing way
> more than $200. A lot of people are saying it gives a similar image
> quality on regular DVD as an Oppo DV-981 (about $250). Decent
> upconverting DVD players are in the $150-$250 range... I'm tempted.
> Worse case scenario, hd-dvd gets discontinued, I still have a good
> upconverting player.

I think HD-DVD is approaching dead.  This graphic from wikipedia 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:HighDefShare7.svg) shows the current 
support of movie studios, and this one 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:HighDefSales.svg) shows current 
sales.  I'm thinking of selling my Toshiba HD-A2 if anyone wants one to 
keep their Laser Disc player and Betamax VCR company.

    -Dan Sikorski

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