[geeks] drive cage fan for Dell T105 server

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Thu Apr 17 06:08:19 CDT 2008

>From: "Michael C. Vergallen" <mvergall at telenet.be>
>Date: 2008/04/17 Thu AM 01:15:45 CDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] drive cage fan for Dell T105 server

>Hash: SHA1
>Shannon Hendrix wrote:
>| It took me 4 months to get IBM to give me a manual for one of their
>| small workstations. For about 2 months they even claimed that they
>| didn't have them.
>This does not surprise me one iotta. Becuase when I was looking at the
>european site for more info on the dell T105 Server I think it did say
>it had docs on the machine available at extra cost...not shure what is
>in there ....but they did say documentation was available on cd-rom.Now
>shure if the us site has the same info.Anyway one could just ask one of
>their field technichians about the product. They know what parts should
>~ be compatable with the official dell parts. I knew one of them when I
>was working for a managment company about five years ago and he used to
>tell me about stuff like that all of the time....However I lost contact
>with him...

Dell sells printed version s of their documentation for a small charge ($5-10) but always includes a CD with PDFs for free.

Service manuals are typically available, but they tend to focus on field replaceable units, not circuit-level specifications (i.e. how to replace a memory DIMM, not what the specs of the memory DIMM are).

I previously posted the part number for the case-front fan, has anyone called into Dell with that part number to fi nd out if it is available and the cost?

I would be very suprised if Dell made available any documentation with circuit board level information, they appear to not understand folks desire to tinker with  their computers at the circuit level.

Does it exist - absolutely, but I bet it is only in the form of internal engineering documentation, not ready for general use.


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