[geeks] FYI: CompUSA is offering OS X 10.5 for $99 (after rebate)

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Thu Oct 25 13:31:12 CDT 2007

On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 11:56:01AM -0400, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Some places, CompUSA was already the closest thing to a real computer
> store in a hundred-mile radius....

Both stores near me stayed open, but I only go there if I need something
RIGHT NOW that can't wait for next-day UPS delivery from directron.com
(which is <5 miles from me, but UPS is easier than dealing with their

There's also Frys Electronics, but I've avoided going to one since I moved
to Houston three years ago.


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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