[geeks] Apple software: the stuff you "gotta have"

John Francini francini at mac.com
Tue Oct 9 18:23:59 CDT 2007


For serial terminal stuff, what about screen(1), which comes with OSX?

For (local) disk duplication (i.e., to make fully bootable snapshots  
and updates of disks), either SuperDuper! from Shirt-Pocket software,  
or Carbon Copy Cloner, from Mike Bombich.

Inquisitor, to give 'clairvoyance' to Safari's search box.

For a full-blown text editor with programmer's features, BBEdit.

Airfoil (from Rogue Amoeba Software) to send any audio to an AirPort  


On 9 Oct 2007, at 18:24, Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> For all you mac-heads on the list, how about a list of the software
> that you "just gotta have".
> I've already collected a dozen or so things for my new Mac, but I'd
> be interested in what you guys really like.  Free preferred of
> course, but not a requirement.
> Some programs I used in Linux that I'd like to get equivalents of in
> MacOS X:
> 	- Basket: a KDE notebook/organizer program, notebook on steroids
> 	- Amarok: yes, I like it better than iTunes
> 	- *OR*: things you can add to iTunes to make it better
> 	- a good Usenet program
> 	- a good backup program that can use CD and DVD media
> 	- ditto but one that can use remote systems and/or CIFS servers, can
> 	  be the same program if it does media and server backup both
> 	- a program to index my documents (text files, PDFs, word processor
> files,
> 	  etc) and possibly also organize them into neat directory trees
> Things I've found that I like, at least for now:
> 	- Adium: for chatting with almost all of the chat systems
> 	- Colloquoy: for IRC
> 	- HandBrake: copying DVDs to my media server
> 	- OmniOutliner: as a possible replacement for Basket
> 	- Yep: for organizing/searching through documents on my system and
> 	  in remote locations.  It's nice, but I'm open to suggestions since
> 	  it doesn't quite do everything
> 	- iTerm: has tabs and bookmarks so it works better for some terminal
> 	  needs than terminal.app
> 	- zterm: for all of my serial terminal needs, works great so far
> 	- VMWare Fusion: for running FreeBSD and friends to keep me from  
> having
> 	  to constantly fire up real servers.  Room much cooler now.
> -- 
> csh
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