[geeks] Apple software: the stuff you "gotta have"

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Tue Oct 9 18:04:03 CDT 2007

On Oct 9, 2007, at 6:24 PM, Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> For all you mac-heads on the list, how about a list of the software
> that you "just gotta have".
> I've already collected a dozen or so things for my new Mac, but I'd
> be interested in what you guys really like.  Free preferred of
> course, but not a requirement.
> Some programs I used in Linux that I'd like to get equivalents of in
> MacOS X:
> 	- Basket: a KDE notebook/organizer program, notebook on steroids

You may or may not find these useful:

SBook (originally programmed for NeXT):
you can put whatever you like in each separate entry, then do  
lightning-fast search as you type to find it

pretty decent outliner/scripting interface (like AppleScript), has  
built-in web server
you can use it as just an outliner if you choose; one-key export to HTML
OS9-ish looking interface in some areas


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