[geeks] Amiga 2000 acelerator card?

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Fri May 4 18:41:55 CDT 2007

On 4 May 2007, at 14:42, Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 03:45:45AM -0400, Kevin wrote:
>> I just told him i'd take 'em off his hands so i could use the TBC  
>> in one to
>> route video to my O2 and Octane.  Plus they were headed for the  
>> trash bin
>> and i wouldn't sleep well at night knowing they were scrapped.
> I volunteer to test out things for you. 8-)  Will even pay for  
> shipping.

I'd be the same way was it not for the fact that shipping Amiga 2000s  
transatlantic *WOULD* bankrupt me in very short order... so I'll just  
offer all the help I can from here.

Mark Benson

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