[geeks] Weird DNS problem

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 22:28:28 CST 2007

Ido Dubrawsky wrote:
> I'm trying to add a dns entry to my server in order to put together a wiki.
> I tried to add wiki.dubrawsky.org and the DNS servers I'm querying sit it on
> the first resolution and then don't see it on the next one and every query
> thereafter.  If I query my nameserver directly then it resolves.  I've even
> tried Bill's server and it doesn't resolve.  What the hell is going on?
> I've got both TCP/53 and UDP/53 open on the router, I'm running BIND 9.3.2. 
> I even stopped using views in order to see if that was the problem and it's
> not.  I've got a picture of a screenshot I took from a Windows box to show
> you what's going on.  The picture is here:
> http://www.dubrawsky.org/nslookup.jpg
> The same thing happens whether it's a Windows box or a linux box.  Any ideas?

Are you upping the serial number of the zone when you make the change?

Peace...  Sridhar

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