[geeks] New Mail Client

Phil Brutsche phil at tux.obix.com
Thu Feb 15 13:08:46 CST 2007

Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> - sylpheed is most certainly not a lightweight program.  It is using
>   80MB on my system right now.  Smaller than Thunderbird, yes, but
>   hardly a light program.  I don't see how you guys ever used it
>   on small machines.

That's the first time I've heard anyone call Thunderbird lightweight!

On my desktop it's taking up 170MB *right now* and I've seen it up to 1GB.

> - imap folder list has to be manually updated to show new folders or
>   remove old ones, update is painfully slow.  Thunderbird also fails
>   to automatically update the folder list.  If mutt can do it, why
>   do the GUI MUAs have so much trouble?

Folder subscriptions?


Phil Brutsche
phil at tux.obix.com

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