[geeks] pci express x8 video card?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Wed Feb 14 10:44:57 CST 2007

>From: Francois Dion <francois.dion at gmail.com>
>Date: 2007/02/14 Wed AM 08:45:51 CST
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] pci express x8 video card?


>They should be compatible. x1 and x16 is typically the case. I know a
>x1 video card will work, but this is a render node, so I need as much
>bandwidth as I can get, but at a cost effective price. I cannot buy a
>1u server with x16 pci express at a reasonable cost from any of the
>vendors we buy from.

Have you looked into my favorite vendor, Supermicro?

http://supermicro.com/Aplus/system/1U/1011/AS-1011M-T2.cfm - $750 chassis, 
MB, PS AM2 Opteron CPU

Other models available, up to $1,000 depending on options (# hot-swap, etc.)

I did a search on their site for their PCI Express 16x riser card and turned 
up 4 different chassis - search for part number: CSE-RR1U-E16

Hope this helps...

Theu also have a "twin" 1U chassis, but they only have PCI Express 8x slots, 
but it is 2 Xeon systems in a standard 1U chassis...


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