[geeks] Fun Topic: What do you carry?

Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Thu Dec 27 20:18:48 CST 2007

On Dec 24, 2007, at 10:53 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Fun topic for discussion (happy holidays, everyone) - what do you  
> folks
> carry around every day, gear-and-gadget wise?
> Here's my list, with pictures if you care to see them.

( reads lists )

What, none of you geeks are armed?  Or you just don't want to talk  
about that Beretta you hide under the back seat, or that heavy little  
FMJ loaded hand cannon you carry?

Interesting geek topic.  I like to travel light, but there are times  
when what's in my pocket or on my belt has saved my hide, so I have a  
hard time "going naked".

** Currently **

Motorola KRZR K1, fairly new and really nice.  Easier to fit  
horizontal against my belt than the RAZR, and better UI and speed.

A set of keys with two rings to separate car from home.

Photon II microlight on the keys.

A Leatherman Wave if I'm wearing jeans.  It's too heavy for khakis and  
I haven't found a case for it that will clip to the belt rather having  
to thread the belt through it.  Open to suggestions.

A 20 year old canvas wallet.  Various concerned friends have tried to  
convince me that it should have been replaced 10 years ago.

An armor piercing titanium and steel tanto.

Occasionally one of the following:

Tiny Leatherman with the pliers... the scissors on the original mini  
LM were too dangerous to fumble with in some situations, and the  
pliers are more generally useful.

Coupon for Johnny Carino's Italian Grill.  What can I say, I have an  
addiction to spicy mediterranean food.  Every time they print one, I  
save it and stuff it in a pocket or my wallet.

"Where some they sell their dreams for small desires."

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