[geeks] Mac memory falling in price

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Mon Dec 17 20:16:06 CST 2007

>From: John Francini <francini at mac.com>
>Date: 2007/12/17 Mon PM 03:54:32 CST
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] Mac memory falling in price

>So memory pricing is controlled by yet another oligarchy, like the  
>oil industry.

They're called the producers, and since it is in their best interest to keep 
prices high, they will...

>At least there's no shortage of sand (i.e., silicon). ;-)

If we were to remove all the silicon/sand/beaches, would that create enough 
room to contain all the water from the melting polar ice caps, saving 

And if we were to make all those computers with all that silicon, where would 
we put them? (My garage, basement, and guest bedroom are full - oh, and the 
office too! ;^)


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