[geeks] Videogame controls

der Mouse mouse at Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA
Fri Dec 14 00:43:37 CST 2007

> I used to hate controllers, too.  Then I found some games I liked
> enough that I played more, and I've gotten a lot better.  I find
> while I don't like certain things about the controllers I have, I
> don't hate them like I did at when I first started playing consoles.

I think it's a question of a game being designed along with an
interface or having the interface retrofitted on.

I shudder at the idea of playing Tribes or Half-life with a console
controller - but I equally shudder at the idea of playing Ratchet &
Clank or DragonQuest VIII with a keyboard and mouse.  They probably
could be done well, but it would take a complete ground-up interface
redesign, which is rarely done in such cases.  (Good UI design is hard
enough to do at all....)

/~\ The ASCII				der Mouse
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