[geeks] Jobs?

Jonathan Katz jon at jonworld.com
Sun Dec 9 11:16:48 CST 2007

On Dec 9, 2007, at 11:59 AM, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 09, 2007 at 11:52:15AM -0500, Jonathan Katz wrote:
>> Resume:
>> http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dhnt3cwz_33f7h2zb
> I'm posting this to the list to get some feedback from other
> people too. I don't know why you were only at your last job
> for a month, but IMHO unless the company went under in a big
> public way, I would leave it off.
I've wrestled with this one. I was there 4 weeks and they told me it  
wasn't working out. I left a stable, good job for the challenge of a  
startup and was somehow railroaded out of the startup with very  
little reasoning. Either their budget went bad or I rubbed someone  
the wrong way; it just didn't line up and I have yet to get a good  
explanation. While I was there I did some good work, but I don't want  
to leave a big gap on the resume, either. So I either have a 1-2mo  
job or a 1-2mo gap. When we were evaling resumes at the last job both  
of those issues were red flags but as long as they were explained  
there wasn't an issue.

I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. I have no problem being up- 
front about the situation. My past work history speaks for itself.  
Almost 4 years at one company and 3.5 at Sun before that.


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