[geeks] Finally got my new pc working

Michael C. Vergallen mvergall at telenet.be
Sun Dec 2 13:37:33 CST 2007

Jochen Kunz wrote:
> Because the board will be old junk until it has passed all tests?
> Allways remember: Quality is irrelevant. It has to be cheaper then
> cheap. The price is the one and only thing that matters. Correct
> function is unimportant. The software (read Windows) will crash more
> often then the hardware anyway. So why bother? It's a PeeCee! ;-)
> --
Yes but I draw the line at vendors selling parts who don't work at
all due to defective chips. Call me old fashioned but I find that when
you give good money for anything it has to at least function a while
and not be DOA  Ok yes most vendors produce those boards at about
5 USD a pop.  so the cost of testing them is not worth their while they
rather replace the part when it is found to be defective by the client 
they make the huge profits by selling a part produced for 5 USD for 50 USD.

However it makes one wonder if this structure put in place by the pc 
to produce parts of dubious quality is viable in the long run with all 
the costs
involved with recycling of plastics not that they do it but they  pay a 
for  not doing it


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