[geeks] Global Warming causes...

Arno Kletzander Arno_1983 at gmx.de
Sun Dec 2 11:30:07 CST 2007

wa2egp at att.net wrote:
> Still can't fathom how a radiation particle can create a solid particle 
> of any appreciable size.  Have to look that up.
> Bob

As to actually creating a solid particle, I have no idea how that would be possible. However, "aerosol", although etymologically meaning _solid_ particles suspended in a gas (as in smoke), it also often used referring to mists (droplets of liquid in a gas - what actually comes out of an "aerosol can"). "Creating" droplets of liquid (or rather, causing them to from out of oversaturated vapor) is something totally different, it's the principle of the Wilson Cloud Chamber - ionizing radiation ionizes molecules in the atmosphere, which act as condensation nuclei.

Arno Kletzander
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