[geeks] Global Warming causes...

Dr Robert Pasken rpasken at eas.slu.edu
Sat Dec 1 17:17:35 CST 2007

The only reference to global cooling came from misquotes of study done in
the mid 70's by Newsweek in the mid 70's The original study said

"One approach to forecasting the natural long-term climate trend is to
estimate the time constants of response necessary to explain the observed
phase relationships between orbital variation and climatic change, and
then to use those time constants in the exponential-response model. When
such a model is applied to Vernekar's (39) astronomical projections, the
results indicate that the long-term trend over the next 20,000 years is
towards extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation and cooler climate (80)."

Newsweek dropped the phrase "that the long-term trend over the next
20,000 years is towards". Thirty years later, George Will willfully
repeats the historically inaccurate claim that in the 70's the fashionable
panic was about global cooling. Climate scientists specifically stated in
1975 National Academy of Sciences report that "we do not have a good
quantitative understanding of our climate machine and what determines its
course. Without the fundamental understanding, it does not seem possible
to predict climate". As a direct result of the 1975 NAS report
there was additional funding into climate science. From the recent work a
great deal more about the climate system is known now that 42 years ago.

Michael Crichton's State of Fear mangles the science even further.
Strangely George Will quote a really badly written mystery novel as if it
were a scholarly article.

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