[geeks] New Tech Schools: Digital Harbor in Baltimore

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Mon Apr 16 23:52:41 CDT 2007

>From: wa2egp at att.net
>Date: 2007/04/16 Mon PM 09:09:28 CDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] New Tech Schools: Digital Harbor in Baltimore


>> My wife had a friend that went to a mid-level school here in NJ (Rowan College, 
>> not the best, far from the worst) and graduated with a teaching degree. Sent out 
>> 50 letters looking for a teaching job (one to each state board of education), 
>> and all said they were not hiring teachers. She decided that there were no jobs 
>> for teachers, and went into retail sales... I guess she didn't know we have over 
>> 600 school boards here in NJ that DO hire teachers every year... I think the 
>> students of NJ dodged a bullet with that one.
>> Lionel
>Urban districts are always looking.  I guess Camden or Trenton was not to 
>her liking.  Large turnover in most Abbott districts.

No - she didn't understand that STATE boards of education don't hire teachers, LOCAL school boards do...

Hell, my fabulously wealthy school district that lavishes great pay on it's teachers is looking too - see:



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