[geeks] New Tech Schools: Digital Harbor in Baltimore

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Fri Apr 13 14:06:25 CDT 2007

" From: Joost van de Griek <jvdg at sparcpark.net>
" On 4/13/07 6:44 PM, Sandwich Maker wrote:
" > " From: der Mouse <mouse at Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
" > " 
" > " I have one friend who is fluent in something like eight western
" > " European tongues and can get by in all but one of the rest.  (The
" > " exception is, IIRC, Hungarian.)  I believe at least some of those were
" > " learnt as an adult.
" > 
" > i'm not sure hungarian counts as a western language; it's related to
" > finnish, turkish, and mongolian.  otoh that doesn't stop the
" > hungarians from proudly celebrating their red-haired celtic roots...
" > [late 2nd mill bc]
" And their hunnish forefathers (Atila is a popular Hungarian name), even
" though they call their country Magyar, unlike everyone else.

the huns were late on the scene, but they brought the language.

" Hungary is one of those totally weird enclaves in Yerp that seems to have
" nothing in common with its neighbours. Kinda like the Basque countries and
" Finland.

that's because the huns, with roots in the far east, -don't- have much
in common with their european neighbors.  and the finns are their
distant relatives, though the basques appear linguistically to be the
sole pre-indo-eurpoean remnant.  [genetics is another story - the
welsh, and someone claims the whole british isles - are more closely
related to the basques than anyone else]
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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