[geeks] Debian 4.0 Bittorrent for DVD

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Thu Apr 12 04:15:43 CDT 2007

On 12/04/2007, at 11:51, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

> It is big, clunky and slow.

The interface is slow-ish, yes.  From the command line it's quite  

> The speed scheduler does not work on Linux, only Windows and MacOs.

Oh, I had no idea, not being a desktop linux user.  Never mind.

> A few days ago I installed it [...] a TCP/IP piece is missing.
> I tried it on another machine (my downstairs file server) and it  
> worked
> for about 10 minutes. It downloaded some sort of update and now won't
> start.

How very strange.  My experience is that it Just Works, albeit clunky  
if I use the GUI.

> Right now I have plenty of time, but no money for hardware. I also am
> limited to the number of computers I can have on at any one time due
> to the really poor electrical service in this apartment and the cost.

Yeah, I have it running on the only machine that's on 24/7, our  
"family server" that stores all the music, video, does print server  
duty, etc.

> What computer are you using? How much RAM?

Apple eMac 1GHz (overclocked to 1.33) with 512MB RAM.  For disks it's  
got 160GB internal, 2x250GB and 60GB firewire for video, music, and  
torrents respectively

> That does not sound very nice. Slightly more nice than the "I'm  
> seeding
> at 10x my download rate hack". :-)

No, that's cheating.  I mean staying attached to torrents but not  
active until needed.  I can literally keep 200 torrents open and not  
have it consume massive amounts of RAM or bandwidth.

 From the machine above:

Processes:  90 total, 2 running, 88 sleeping... 367  
threads            12:14:04
Load Avg:  1.22, 1.21, 1.43     CPU usage:  51.2% user, 22.8% sys,  
25.9% idle
SharedLibs: num =  188, resident = 17.1M code, 2.72M data, 8.08M  
MemRegions: num = 23435, resident =  179M + 4.93M private, 21.2M shared
PhysMem:  90.3M wired,  128M active,  139M inactive,  357M used,   
154M free
VM: 8.12G +  134M   1109975(1) pageins, 763092(0) pageouts


   366 java_swt    13.1% 15:56:03  64   >>>  1277  61.6M+ 7.06M  49.1M 
+  518M+


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