[geeks] Debian 4.0 Bittorrent for DVD

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com
Thu Apr 12 03:51:59 CDT 2007

On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 11:31:45AM +0300, sammy ominsky wrote:
> I know it's Java, and therefore only to be used in private and not  
> spoken about, but I'm going to be bold and ask why not Azureus?   
> There is a speed scheduler plugin that allows exactly what you want.   
> It can also be run headless from the command line or a web interface  
> or remotely for those who desire such things.

It is big, clunky and slow. The speed scheduler does not work on Linux,
only Windows and MacOs. 

A few days ago I installed it on the computer I use for downloading files.
I installed all of the JRE, etc files and found that it does not connect
to the network, a TCP/IP piece is missing. 

I tried it on another machine (my downstairs file server) and it worked
for about 10 minutes. It downloaded some sort of update and now won't
start. This computer runs FC4, someday I will update it to something

Right now I have plenty of time, but no money for hardware. I also am
limited to the number of computers I can have on at any one time due
to the really poor electrical service in this apartment and the cost.

> I have Azureus up- and downloading at unlimited speed from midnight  
> to 7am, and restrict my upload to 50kBps from 7 to midnight so my  
> VoIP lines work (I'm on a 1.5Mbps/512kbps cable link).  Once in a  
> while I'll hit a torrent that saturates my upload and voice quality  
> suffers, so I manually limit it to 150kBps up.

That's another problem. Sunday night/Monday was a holiday and the
cable network was down for a total of 10 hours in several outages.
Things did not improve to Wednesday morning when the schools were
open for the first time in two weeks, repairmen came back to work,

> A few data points... I generally have hundreds of torrents running  
> concurrently (seeding on private trackers) and my 50kBps throttled  
> upload is saturated all the time.  When I'm on a public torrent I  
> limit upload speed on that torrent to 4 or 5kbps.  I can download a  
> 350MB TV show in 30-40 minutes, and I leave it running on public  
> trackers until a ratio of 1:1, or 5:1 on private trackers (where  
> ratio counts), which can take a week or more.

What computer are you using? How much RAM?

> You really ought to look at optimizing your bittorrent use, you can  
> do much better than you describe. First and foremost, change your  
> port to something outrageously pseudorandom like 54342 and make sure  
> it's forwarded properly from the router.  Enable encryption.  There  
> are LOT of settings in Azureus that you can tweak, including tricks  
> you can play with queueing and priority that allow you to leave  
> torrents open for seeding without actually consuming bandwidth.

That does not sound very nice. Slightly more nice than the "I'm seeding
at 10x my download rate hack". :-) 

Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel gsm at mendelson.com  N3OWJ/4X1GM
IL Voice: (07)-7424-1667  Fax ONLY: 972-2-648-1443 U.S. Voice: 1-215-821-1838 
Visit my 'blog at http://geoffstechno.livejournal.com/

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