[geeks] embedded NAS option

Dan Duncan dand at pcisys.net
Thu Sep 14 14:17:59 CDT 2006

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> I think all the little home networking boxes that are abused (ahm, "Hacked")
> into file servers are far from stellar performers, in all the accounts I've read.

Performance isn't really a factor.  It's just 2 users accessing our archives from
any number of other machines we may be sitting on.  I only just replaced the
last 10baseT segment with 100baseT a couple of months ago.  :)

> Were I in your shoes, I'd consider a Small Form Factor PC (uATX if you are going to
> build it up, Dell/Compaq SFF box if you want an "off the shelf" solution) and stuff
> it with drives.

I have an NLX box I recently reclaimed from offsite that I'll probably use to replace
one of the towers but I'm thinking about the appliance for the other since it's
basically a mirror and I'd prefer it to be as simple as possible.  My primary shell
server (which matches my new offsite server) is a Toshiba Magnia which is basically
headless PC that uses laptop drives.  They've been extremely reliable and are small
and quiet putting large storage on them hasn't been practical.  (laptop drives internally
and no USB or FW externally and no PCI slots)

> I've tried all kinds of options, and a dedicated PC typically works best
> (cost/size/heat-wise) IMHO. A decent Pentium III box (I've used Dell Optiplex GX100
> SFF machines) will be quite affordable (less than $20 at local University Surplus sale,
> YMMV) and more than up to the task of serving up files off USB drives, esp. if you
> add a good quality USB card (don't use on-board USB 1.1 interfaces) and consider upgrading the
> NIC if you like. SMall PCs like this use minimal power (typically have 145 Watt PS and are quiet).

I'll give that a look.  I sort of like the idea of being able to move the drives easily
(or take one with me) which is why I currently use slide-out 3.5" drives in 5.25"
bays but that doesn't translate well to a small footprint system.

I have a fully loaded HSZ50 dual-redundant RAID setup gathering dust but that sort
of defeats my purpose.  :)

> Were I to build up a box, I'd use a minitower and put a couple internal drives in it,
> but not stuf it becuase the drive will create heat, which will require cooling, which
> will lead to loud fan noise...

Well it would certainly be smaller than the towers I use now.


#  Dan Duncan (kd4igw)  dand at pcisys.net  http://pcisys.net/~dand

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