[geeks] Vista is a job creator...

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Mon Oct 30 12:40:40 CST 2006

Mon, 30 Oct 2006 @ 09:34 -0800, Sheldon T. Hall said:

> Quoth Charles Shannon Hendrix ...
> > Sun, 29 Oct 2006 @ 10:01 -0800, Jon Gilbert said [of MS Vista]:
> > 
> > > People will hack it.
> > 
> > Eventually, we won't be able to, and the other side of this is that
> > hacking it is progressively criminalized as each new protection is
> > created.
> I can't imagine that Vista, or anything else non-trivial, will ever be
> completely crack-proof.  It's demonstrably difficult to make OSes even
> fairly crack-resistant.

What the industry wants is for all systems to require remote
authorization even to boot up.

They simply make it a fundamental part of the CPU and chipset. This
has already been done so it isn't a future possibility: the technology
exists right now.

Will we crack it? Maybe, but it would suck to have to do it.

> The criminality issue isn't one, really.  Quite a few countries have no laws
> against it at all, and even those that do have laws don't seem to enforce
> them very often.  

That does you little good if your particular country *is* enforcing the

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["The grieving lords take ship.  With these
our very souls pass overseas." -- Exile]

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