[geeks] encrypted video cable?

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 12:36:04 CST 2006

On 10/30/06, der Mouse <mouse at rodents.montreal.qc.ca> wrote:
> > For a current look at that: did you guys know that many PDF files
> > online cause your PDF viewer to phone home whenever you read the
> > document?
> No, and I don't believe it, either.  If they do, I have a bug to
> (report and) fix in GhostScript.
> > If you run Adobe Reader, the first thing you should do is...
> ...replace it with something that behaves civilizedly. :-~
> Contrary to what most PDF-providing sites would have you believe, Adobe
> software is not necessary to read PDFs.

The rendering of the OSS pdf viewers/printers is atrocious compared to
Adobe's however.    I never really noticed this until I printed some
things recently.  I don't know if this is an issue with all pdfs, or
only with some.  I have not noticed the issue on the Mac.  However,
their pdf rendering code is licensed from Adobe.  I wonder if Mac's
preview "phones home"?

Adobe's software products have been phoning home for quite some time...


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