[geeks] ADSL Modem

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sat Oct 28 20:37:41 CDT 2006

On Sat, 28 Oct 2006, Sridhar Ayengar wrote:

> I guess they think that no-one who uses a 7200-series will want to
> have their WAN coming over a DSL line.  That's a shame.

You have to admit, that target market is pretty small.  It'd be nice for
a backup Internet connection, but most folks using a 7200 probably have
a T1 or T3 or optical connection.

> Although, I think I might even prefer an external box that would take
> care of this for me, over a module for my router.  I still haven't
> managed to find one.

I use an Ultra 1 running OpenBSD to abstract-away the PPPoE nastiness.
It's massive overkill.  I plan to replace both it and my OpenBSD
"router"[0] with a cute little (and MUCH less pwoer-hungry) C7-based
Phylon box as soon as I get the spare cycles to do the swap.

[0] Two separate boxes because I needed the connection up Right Then and
     didn't have time to figure out how to make pf+ppp DWIM.  SBC had
     previously told me that connections with static IP addresses didn't
     use PPPoE; I was very frustrated with them when I found that out to
     not be the case.  Not nearly as frustrated[1] as I was when I found
     out that the "10 or 15 dollars extra" for statics was actually $75.
[1] But, then, All Telcos Suck.
Jonathan Patschke                         Texas Capitol Clearance 2006
Elgin, TX                                      October 23 - November 7
USA                                            ALL INCUMBENTS MUST GO!

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