[geeks] Jericho

Brian Dunbar brian.dunbar at liftport.com
Thu Oct 26 18:22:18 CDT 2006

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> Thanks to Bill's urging, I just watched the first three episodes of Jericho.
> It's pretty good. It seems to me to be BSG with higher tech.*
> BSG has prettier enemies. :-)


> * one thing I find amusing about BSG is that although they have had
> faster than light drive for at least 2,000 years, maybe as much as 10,000,
> their level of the other technology is firmly fixed in pre-millenium
>  earth.

The BSG back story explains or implies that the low-tech approach aboard
the warships is deliberate - high speed low drag gear was easily
subverted by the enemy.

Me - I've always wondered if it was simply an effort to save money on
set dressing.  When you can go out and just _get_ the stuff at a surplus
yard it saves money having to design and build the stuff.  Perhaps the
production company had not forgotten that the original was one of the
most expensive shows to produce in it's day, which led to it's quick
demise when the ratings sank.

Brian Dunbar
System Administrator
Liftport - The Space Elevator Company

brian.dunbar at liftport.com
aim: bdunbar1967

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But move forward, too. Light a candle, yes. But also drive a rivet.

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