[geeks] Solar Panels on residence - anyone?

William Staniewicz wjstaniewicz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 07:37:32 CDT 2006

On 10/19/06, Mike Hebel <nimitz at nimitzbrood.com> wrote:
> Thus spake James Fogg:
> >> In short, they mount a huge array of photovoltaic cells on
> >> the roof, and install some elaborate electronics to manage
> >> the flow of electricity into the house (or back on to the
> >> power grid for a rebate?).
> >>
> >> http://www.njcep.com/ - NJ Clean Energy Program website
> >>
> >> http://www.advancedsolarproducts.com/ - a local vendor, they
> >> have pics of some local installs...
> >
> >
> > That would solve two problems for me. I need a new roof and I need
> > cheaper power.
> I've been long thinking of building our first home instead of buying one -
> in this case the concrete monolithic domes.
> What just came to mind was "Why can't I use the flexible solar cells and
> cover the concrete domes with them completely?".
> I wonder what kind of power that would generate...

I think it would also depend on what part of the country you live in.
Here in NL wind power as an energy source is seen in abundance.
Some farms have smaller ones to generate electricity. Maybe that
would be more cost effective and efficient? I don't reallt know.


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