[geeks] Are there any USB wifi adapters that use the Apple Airport driver?

Micah R Ledbetter vlack-lists at vlack.com
Mon Oct 9 14:40:41 CDT 2006

I can't seem to find a definitive answer on the web, but it seems  
like the answer is no. If you want USB wifi on your Mac (because, for  
example, an Airport card is stupid expensive), you must use a  
different driver.

Doesn't this also mean that I can't use the Airport menu item to  
control it? I'd like to be able to use the menu item, since I'm doing  
this for my sister.... I'd like it to "just work".

As an aside, if there's a list of generic PC USB dongles that have  
drivers for OS X, I'd appreciate that also. A lot of the mac- 
compatible cards I find are a lot more expensive than one not  
marketed as Mac compatible.

Note: I can't use wirelessdriver.sf.net, because it only works for  
PCMCIA cards, and I need this for an iBook, which doesn't have a  
PCMCIA slot.

  - Micah

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