[geeks] What desk toy or "tchotchke" says "geek" to you?

Chris Petrov chrisp at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sun Mar 26 04:01:15 CST 2006

On 26/03/2006, at 8:36 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 26, 2006 at 06:34:03PM +1100, Chris Petrov wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity what was the tightest grouping? i.e. could they
>> shoot?
> You have to be relatively decent with a pistol before they'll give  
> you a
> concealed-carry license here; e.g., prove that you're not going to  
> shoot
> yourself in the foot.
> http://www.txchia.org/getchl.htm
> One of the things I miss about living in the city is that when I  
> was at
> "home" growing up, there was plenty of empty space around for miles  
> and
> miles (grandparents had a cattle farm) so we could set up a  
> shooting range
> out back.
> Living in a city now, I can't even shoot off a BB gun.
> Bill
Seems a bit discriminatory to me....

Not be under a protective order.
Not be chemically dependent.
Not be of unsound mind.
Not be delinquent in paying fines, fees, child support, student  
loans, etc.

some of the best shooters I knew were all of the above... :P

I've heard that you can drive to a bottle shop (dive through liquor)   
in texas and get booze "mit verborgener Waffe" and drive away  
drinking recently purchased booze. Talk about 'fear and loathing'

get caught with a bit of coke though... make sure you are in the  
national guard!

But I also grew up in "the woods" well actually the desert, but no  
matter... guns were plentiful, nay, accessible and we all learnt the  
rules early alas there were always those who insisted upon shooting  
others  (with bb gun). Ironically, population density issues would be  
easily resolved if the state relaxed it's gun laws a bit but it'd  
make shopping a real bitch...

Oh, you  can still use the bb but it involves a callous disregard for  
constructs :-> and similar luck!

as my old dad used to say " the only crime is getting caught"


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