[geeks] T-Mobile Internet Question

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 12:07:31 CDT 2006

On 6/15/06, Robert Brooke Gravitt <gravitt at gmail.com> wrote:
> I used to use T-Mobile's t-zones connection to access the internet
> via my cell phone w/Bluetooth on my PowerBook. That is, until they
> started blocking traffic on port 80. I've been using the T-Mo
> Wireless Internet plan since then, but it's $20 -vs- the $5 for t-zones.
> Any ideas how I might set up a VPN or proxy server at home to let me
> hit the web, ssh, etc. and use t-zones (thus saving the $15 a month?)
> I have a static IP and a decent DSL connection at home.

You might have a gander at howardforums.com and if there are any
workarounds. Those folks try everything.  From what I can tell via a
brief perusal of the threads, proxying with port 8080 is still open in
some areas.  As you can imagine, there's a lot of whining in the
threads, so, the usual "sort the wheat from the chaff" process is


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