[geeks] Wireless Routers

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Mon Jul 10 10:22:46 CDT 2006

Sat, 08 Jul 2006 @ 23:00 -0400, der Mouse said:

> >> Some [wall-warts] appear to fit in the space of one outlet and
> >> rairly interfere.  I want to know why more can't be like that.
> > It's impossible for two of them to do that if they have bladed plugs
> > though.
> Not so.  I have a phone charger that's a counterexample.  You could put
> one per outlet on any power-strip, provided the outlets are oriented
> properly (plug-blade slots collinear), since it occupies less space

He said "outlet", not power strip.  World of difference.

Also, I said "bladed plug", which means one blade is larger than the
other.  If that's the wrong term (it's what I hear from electricians and
in the local parts warehouse), then I don't know/remember the right

If you plug a bladed wart into the top plug of an outlet, it blocks the
lower one in the vast majority of designs.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["I wish life was not so short. Languages
take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about." - J.
R. R. Tolkien]

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