[geeks] Ping?

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Mon Feb 20 14:42:17 CST 2006

Sridhar Ayengar wrote:

>Mike Hebel wrote:
>>Heisenberg's cat coughed up a hairball from... Lionel Peterson
>>>Is everyone watching the olympics, wondering why Cheney didn't alert the
>>>national media sooner, or hunting wabbits?
>>>Very quiet last few days...
>>Somebody opened the window blinds and we all basked in the
>>nice...warn...AUUUGHHH!!!  FLAMES!!!  I'M ON FIRE!!!!
>>The big yellow ball!  It HURRRTS US!
>>*hides under desk*
>F**k the sun!  I hate it too!  Long live the f**king Beast!

What's wrong with you people?  It's February in the midwest.  I'd kill 
for some more sun around here!!!  (and i swear, if there's one more car 
accident around here, i'm moving to a city where i can walk and stick to 
public transit. Fuck this noise.)


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