[geeks] security-conscious backup

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Thu Jul 28 13:44:19 CDT 2005

>>> Does anyone have suggestions for this scenario?
>>> I have a customer who does tax-related work for his clients.  He  
>>> wants
>>> to backup over the internet to a Solaris 10 machine I have.
>>> The files he places on my system should not be accessed by anyone  
>>> other
>>> than him (i.e. not even root should have the ability to decrypt  
>>> and read
>>> the files).

Are you really sure you want to have data on your machine that you  
can't read? In this day of 'homeland security' departments, etc. and  
the paranoia that goes along with it, if you have files on your  
machine that you can't read, how do you really know they're tax  
related files? Maybe they're databases of terrorists in the country,  
or maybe they're kiddie porn, or whatever. If they're on your  
machine, they're technically your problem if 'Big Brother' decides to  
take a look at you or your computers.

I know that I wouldn't knowingly have data on one of my machines that  
I couldn't read. If he can't have you sign a non-disclosure agreement  
regarding the data on your computer, and have that good enough, then  
he shouldn't be trusting you with the data at all. Just my opinion tho.

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