[geeks] SGI Sadness

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Wed Jul 13 19:29:34 CDT 2005

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Kevin <kevin at mpcf.com>
> My mother was a teacher for many years (as well as a
> certified Novell admin, micro-biologist, horse trainer,
> insurance saleswoman, amateur pilot.... the odd list goes on).  I
> can attest that she put more hours into teaching than i EVER have
> at any job.  
> Besides actually being in the classroom, she was developing
> lesson plans, grading papers, calling parents and shopping for
> classroom materials, which she paid for with her own money. 
> Teachers have it rough if they want to do a thorough job. 
> Luckily, she now has a good network admin job, so at least she
> has something to show for the hours that she puts in.
> /KRM

When I retire, I know I will need to get another job to keep my
hobbies going.  Selling lawn chairs at Home Depot doesn't seem
so bad at times :)  I am tempted to write a textbook since I've
so many bad ones.
I handed my paperwork for the year in three days before graduation
and spent the rest of the time in school wondering what I forgot
to do.  That feeling lasted a week or so.  Unfortunately, I do
have this compulsion to yell at other peoples kids when they act
up in a store. :0 "Stop iiiitt!"  (heh, heh)

in a store.

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