[geeks] SGI Sadness

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Tue Jul 12 14:24:56 CDT 2005

On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 02:59:36PM -0400, velociraptor wrote:

> > Well the context of that acronym feels a bit strange, but I suppose it
> > fits.  I read it as Digital Video Recording.  Maybe the C* used O2s at
> > the time?  Or Octane SE+TRAMs w/ FC-AL and EVO cards?  Well, we can hope
> > that's how they did it.  Using a USB cam on a wintel book to record the
> > incident would just make it all the more depressing.
> Sorry, perhaps DVR'ing with capitals would have been better?
> I find it amusing that you are speculating on what method the C* guy
> used to record himself.  I'm not sure if he used a DV cam and put it
> on his computer or used direct connected hardware.  All things
> considered I doubt he had a high enough clue ratio to do the latter.

I don't know whether to be happy or sad that he wasn't doing immoral
things using company made equipment.

Joshua D. Boyd
jdboyd at jdboyd.net

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