[geeks] Solaris Express

Mike F lists at ibrew.net
Fri Jan 14 07:09:04 CST 2005

Scott Howard wrote:

>On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 07:43:49AM -0500, Mike F wrote:
>>>>>SunOS frogstar 5.10.1 snv_06 sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraAX-i2
>>>The next release will be SX 2/05, which I suspect will be either build
>>>06 (as above) or 07.
>>How does this fit in with the announced January 31st release date for 
>>Solaris 10? Or is this looking beyond Solaris 10 FCS?
>There's a reason it's 5.10.1 :)
>This is the release _after_ Solaris 10 (which doesn't have an external
>name/version yet - the 5.10.1 may or may not be the final version)
>has some details, but basically the future SX'es will snapshots of the
>next version of Solaris, _not_ the next Solaris 10 Update version.
Ahhh... thanks for the heads up - I'm glad to see Solaris Express will 
be an ongoing effort. And I'm looking forward to seeing Janus and ZFS in 

- Mike

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