[geeks] Gmail's attraction

Scott Howard scott at doc.net.au
Sat Sep 4 20:34:42 CDT 2004

On Sat, Sep 04, 2004 at 10:07:00AM -0400, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> I hate how email has become a file transfer system, and wish M$ and
> others would educate people on the right ways to do file transfer.

EMail _is_ the right way to do file transfer in most organisations.

> If I were setting up a corporate network, I think I would totally
> disable attachments over a certain size, and give them a large sharing
> area for file transfers.

sharing area == insecure. Either everyone has access, or you have to put
procedures/systems in place to manage the security. EMail does all of
this for you automatically.

On the internet it's a (slightly) different story, but within the
corporate world Email has become the standard method of sharing/transfering


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