[geeks] Solaris x86 account needed

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed May 19 09:43:48 CDT 2004

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 02:25:38PM +0000, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> Bill, I've installed it a few times, and the "trick" seems to be that 
> unless your video card is supported, you should do a text install (I think 
> by skipping the config during install), then get the driver kit with all 
> the XFree86 drivers. That typically leads to happy GUI install (if that is 
> what you are into ;^)...

Solaris 10 b55 is installing without a problem on my desktop machine
here - Athlon 1Ghz, FIC AZ11 motherboard, GeForce 4MX video and a 17"
flat panel.  I had to tell it to use the NV video driver during setup.


bill bradford
austin texas

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