[geeks] Re: HP's squandering

Jochen Kunz jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Mon Jan 13 13:38:57 CST 2003

On 2003.01.13 19:41 Dave McGuire wrote:

>    Some big vendors are *making* Itanium machines.  Nobody is buying
> them, or has bought them.  There is a huge installed base of HP3000
> machines.
This doesn't mater. It isn't an Intel, so it has no hype, is old,
unknown, obsolet, proprietary and has to go. People that don't think so
need a brainwashing. (== brainremoval)

> > And don't forget Itanium is Intel. Intel == industry standard. ;-(
>    I thought it was x86 that's an "industry standard" (despite its
> obsolescence).  Itanium != x86.  (I know *you* know this...but Fiorina
> apparently doesn't!)
What ever Intel makes, this is the "industry standard". Period.
(At least for the suits.)

> > unlink( "/Fiorina"); /* !!! */
>    Oh, if only it were that easy! :-/
Time to get a gun?


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