[geeks] 1911A1 handguns

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Thu Jan 9 01:54:07 CST 2003

On Wednesday, January 8, 2003, at 05:07 PM, R. Lonstein wrote:

> The AMT Backup in .45ACP is pretty nice, concealable and
> inexpensive.

I have an AMT Backup in .45 and they're funny guns. If you get one that 
works good, it will probably work good for a long time. If you get one 
that doesn't work good, it probably will never work good. Mine is one 
of the ones that doesn't work good :( When I first got it, it would 
stovepipe at least once in every clip shot. After a while it just got 
worse, and now it stovepipes on almost every shot. This is one of the 
reasons I switched to a revolver for a daily carry gun, no matter how 
good semi-autos get, they'll never be as reliable as a good old 
fashioned revolver!

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