[geeks] ibook or tibook?

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Tue Feb 4 04:51:40 CST 2003

Hi All.

I'm sorry for the duplicate message, but I accidentally sent this from 
the wrong email account!

> I was just looking on ebay at Apple laptops, and was curious, I saw 
> several systems that looked interesting, but was wondering, which 
> would be a better machine, a 400mhz tibook (G4), or a 600 ibook (G3)?
> When looking at Sun equipment you always run across an occasional 
> somebody that thinks their stuff is gold, and prices it accordingly, 
> but when looking at Mac stuff it seems like occasionally you'll find 
> somebody that prices the stuff right, and that most of the other 
> people have their heads up their asses when it comes to pricing! I 
> mean there was an old ibook (the earlier style) that the seller wanted 
> something like $1200 for! What's up with the Mac prices?

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